Latvijas Antroposofiskās biedrības mājaslapa

Eurythmy 2012 Worldwide

Eurythmy 2012 Worldwide

22. {. 2012.

2012 is the centenary anniversary of eurythmy.
On Whitsunday, 27 May 2012, we invite you to join a worldwide 
celebration of eurythmy, by performing the "Hallelujah" exercise 
at exactly the same time, all around the world.
"Hallelujah" was the first word made visible in Eurythmy by Lori 
Smits in 1912, under the direction of Rudolf Steiner.
Wherever you are, whether you choose to do this on your own, or
to gather with in a group in your area, we hope that you will take 
part, knowing that hundreds, possibly thousands of others all 
around the globe are performing the exercise on 27 May at 
exactly the same time as you.
This is not a "flashmob", or a spectacle to be videoed and put 
online. Rather, it's an invitation to an "inner event", to celebrate 
100 years of Eurythmy by offering "Hallelujah" once more to world.
The map of the world timezones (adjusted for daylight saving 
where it applies ) shows the time to perform the exercise in each 
region - (ie 7.00am East US; 12noon Ireland, UK; 13.00 Central 
Europe etc)
We realise that some will have to rise with or before the dawn to 
take part - but we hope you will feel the gift you're offering is 
worth the effort!
This project is an initiative of Eurythmy Ireland - we hope you can 
join us. Thank you!

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