06. {. 2010.
Collegial Work in Cooperation
A continuing education course for 46 Waldorf teachers was held from February to August at the University of Tartu (320 hours spread over 6 modules). The course was announced by the university in late fall, 2009, and within a short time it was Ofully enrolled.
Our work with the University of
Tartu had been a cooperative one from the beginning. During the first hours of instruction I noticed that our colleagues (who were participating in all the modules) seemed a little anxious about what Waldorf education had to say and how it taught.
Ministry of Education Approval
But it very quickly became apparent that our work together was quite colle- gial. Thus, for example, the University arranged to have the Waldorf texts by Peter Lang translated and placed at the disposal of the students via the internet. The University also contributed to the costs incurred by the continuing educa- tion course.
Tiiu Bläsi-Käo, Birgit Klotz, and Peter Lang developed the curriculum, and it was accepted by the Ministry of educa- tion without any change or modification. The course itself is divided into the areas of pedagogy; psychology and Waldorf pedagogy; methods and approaches in Waldorf pedagogy; artistic exercises (i.e., painting, sculpting, music, eurythmy, speech formation, etc.); as well as inde- pendent work and written assignments on pedagogical and educational themes to be done in the intervals between each of the segments. The collegium consists of the three curriculum developers as well as other German and Estonian in- structors.
Continuation Planned
The Waldorf continuing education course in Tartu provides an important element of support for Waldorf teaching in Estonia, and the fact that it takes place within the framework of the University of Tartu courses is a significant enhance- ment for Waldorf education and Wal- dorf teachers in Estonia.
We have been thinking about offering another continuing Waldorf education course during the coming year. At this point the details for this course are still being worked out.
Tiiu Bläsi-Käo, Win- terbach (Germany), Birgit Klotz, Win- terbach (Germany), Peter Lang, Halfing (Germany)
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